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For the first three seasons, the villains featured in the series were generally one-shot characters used for a single episode. Most of them intend to oppose the world because they have suffered some major disappointment (such as being constantly rejected by men or women) or trauma. Only a few villains ever made a second appearance, which always focused around them attempting to get revenge on the girls for foiling their original scheme.
For the first three seasons, the villains featured in the series were generally one-shot characters used for a single episode. Most of them intend to oppose the world because they have suffered some major disappointment (such as being constantly rejected by men or women) or trauma. Only a few villains ever made a second appearance, which always focused around them attempting to get revenge on the girls for foiling their original scheme.
For the first three seasons, the villains featured in the series were generally one-shot characters used for a single episode. Most of them intend to oppose the world because they have suffered some major disappointment (such as being constantly rejected by men or women) or trauma. Only a few villains ever made a second appearance, which always focused around them attempting to get revenge on the girls for foiling their original scheme.
For the first three seasons, the villains featured in the series were generally one-shot characters used for a single episode. Most of them intend to oppose the world because they have suffered some major disappointment (such as being constantly rejected by men or women) or trauma. Only a few villains ever made a second appearance, which always focused around them attempting to get revenge on the girls for foiling their original scheme.
For the first three seasons, the villains featured in the series were generally one-shot characters used for a single episode. Most of them intend to oppose the world because they have suffered some major disappointment (such as being constantly rejected by men or women) or trauma. Only a few villains ever made a second appearance, which always focused around them attempting to get revenge on the girls for foiling their original scheme.
For the first three seasons, the villains featured in the series were generally one-shot characters used for a single episode. Most of them intend to oppose the world because they have suffered some major disappointment (such as being constantly rejected by men or women) or trauma. Only a few villains ever made a second appearance, which always focused around them attempting to get revenge on the girls for foiling their original scheme.
For the first three seasons, the villains featured in the series were generally one-shot characters used for a single episode. Most of them intend to oppose the world because they have suffered some major disappointment (such as being constantly rejected by men or women) or trauma. Only a few villains ever made a second appearance, which always focused around them attempting to get revenge on the girls for foiling their original scheme.
For the first three seasons, the villains featured in the series were generally one-shot characters used for a single episode. Most of them intend to oppose the world because they have suffered some major disappointment (such as being constantly rejected by men or women) or trauma. Only a few villains ever made a second appearance, which always focused around them attempting to get revenge on the girls for foiling their original scheme.
For the first three seasons, the villains featured in the series were generally one-shot characters used for a single episode. Most of them intend to oppose the world because they have suffered some major disappointment (such as being constantly rejected by men or women) or trauma. Only a few villains ever made a second appearance, which always focused around them attempting to get revenge on the girls for foiling their original scheme.
Karena ingin bebas dan tak mau dipaksa menikah, Marie, gadis 17 tahun, secara ajaib menyusut menjadi seukuran mainan masa kecilnya, Di antara mainannya yang menjadi hidup, ia mendapati boneka pemecah kacang ternyata adalah pangeran yang kena sihir.
For the first three seasons, the villains featured in the series were generally one-shot characters used for a single episode. Most of them intend to oppose the world because they have suffered some major disappointment (such as being constantly rejected by men or women) or trauma. Only a few villains ever made a second appearance, which always focused around them attempting to get revenge on the girls for foiling their original scheme.
Red Riding Hood, yang saat ini tengah berlatih dengan kelompok rahasia 'Sister Hood', dipanggil, bersama dengan Wolf, untuk menyelidiki hilangnya Hansel dan Gretel secara tiba-tiba.
Sinopsis Singkat:
Gian yang seharusnya pergi ke rumah tantenya terjebak dalam situasi harus mengurus gadis mabuk bernama Sisi di stasiun kereta. Gian membawa Sisi ke hotel, terjadilah kesalahpahaman antara Gian dan Sisi. Namun justru kesalahpahaman itulah yang membawa mereka ke dalam pertemuan demi pertemuan selanjutnya.
Sinopsis Lengkap:
Gian (Jefri Nichol) seharusnya pergi ke rumah tantenya karena sang tante ingin menjodohkan Gian dengan mantan kekasih almarhum anaknya. Namun sejak di stasiun hingga di dalam gerbong kereta, Gian terjebak dalam situasi harus mengurus gadis mabuk bernama Sisi (Tiara Andini) hingga harus membawanya ke hotel. Terjadi kesalahpahaman antara Gian dan Sisi namun justru kesalahpahaman itulah yang membawa mereka ke dalam pertemuan demi pertemuan selanjutnya, membentuk sebuah kebersamaan di mana Gian menemukan dirinya tak bisa dan tak mau lepas lagi dari Sisi meski Sisi seringkali membullynya. Sisi yang punya sisi muram akibat masa lalunya pun menemukan kebahagiaan setiap kali bersama Gian. Sayangnya Sisi selalu merasa ia tidak pantas berbahagia sementara Gian selalu berusaha menuruti kemauan Sisi, seaneh apapun permintaan Sisi, demi bisa membawa Sisi lepas dari kesedihan yang kerap Gian temukan di antara segala tingkah Sisi yang konyol.
Negara & Tanggal Rilis: Indonesia, 23 Juni 2022
Klasifikasi: 13+
Bahasa: Bahasa Indonesia
Warna: Berwarna
Status: Selesai / Rilis
Melupakan tanggung jawabnya, Putri Salju sibuk bersenang-senang dengan Red Riding Hood, Goldilocks dan Little Bo Peep. Tapi ketika ayahnya bersiap menikahi Lady Vain, ia harus menghentikan tingkahnya.
Setelah berhasil menyelesaikan pelatihan, ketiga anggota Spies, Sam, Alex dan Clover, ditugaskan oleh Jerry, pimpinan organisasi WOOHP, untuk memecahkan berbagai kasus kriminal yang terjadi di Los Angeles.
Lima "Charlie's Angel" Thailand ditugasi untuk menggagalkan sebuah penculikan dan menjaga sebuah mutiara Andaman sakti dan misterius, dari tangan sindikat kriminal yang ingin merebutnya.
Kei adalah seorang gadis muda yang bercita-cita untuk membuktikan keberaniannya di bidang karate. Hidupnya berubah ketika dia menerima tawaran pekerjaan dari sebuah organisasi misterius.
Karier Talia (Acha Septriasa), presenter sekaligus produser acara gosip, yang sedang melejit di dunia infotainment, mendadak berubah drastis saat bertemu Kiblat (Deva Mahendra), ustad muda yang muncul di kantornya untuk memberikan pelajaran agama kepada Talia atas kehendak almarhum ayah Talia sebagai hutang budi kepada Kiblat. Sejak pertemuan itu, karier Talia merosot jatuh gara-gara kesalahan kecil. Tapi, tak disangka, Kiblat lah yang membantunya. Kedekatannya dengan Kiblat menimbulkan getar-getar cinta dalam hati Talia. Namun, semuanya buyar ketika mendengar gosip bahwa Kiblat hendak dijodohkan dengan Husna (Chicki Fawzie), pengajar baru di pesantren milik keluarga Kiblat.
Produser: Adiyanto Sumarjono, Djie Tjianan, Toto Prasetyanto, Dian Mediana, Philipus Wirjadi, Mira Lesmana
Sutradara: Riri Riza
Penulis: Key Mangunsong, Riri Riza
Pemeran: Nobuyuki Suzuki, Karlina Inawati, Surya Saputra, Maudy Ayunda
Tanggal edar: Thursday, 13 October 2005
Warna: Warna
Bahasa utama: Indonesia
Rena (Maudy Ayunda), 11 th, sejak kecil tinggal di Rumah Matahari, sebuah panti asuhan yang damai dan penuh tawa. Di panti itu Rena memiliki `adik-adik' yang sangat ia lindungi, dan ia sering membuat ulah setiap datang kunjungan calon orang tua yang ingin mengadopsi mereka. Menjelang bulan suci Ramadhan, datang seorang tamu misterius bernama Yudha (Surya Saputra) ke Rumah Matahari. Hal ini membuat Rena sangat khawatir karena ia menduga Oom Yudha datang untuk mengambil salah satu adik-adiknya. Rena pun mengajak adik-adiknya untuk bersikap hati-hati terhadap Oom Yudha. Yudha tetap datang di setiap akhir minggu dan pelan-pelan terjalin keakraban diantara mereka. Suasana di Rumah Matahari mulai berubah. Rena tiba-tiba merasa sangat dekat dengan Oom Yudha, tanpa menyadari apa sebabnya.
Tidak pernah terbayang sebelumnya kalau Mira harus melakukan perjalanan dengan Maudy, maminya. Bukan lantaran Mira benci Mami, hanya saja hubungan mereka tidak pernah sesederhana hubungan ibu dan anak pada umumnya semenjak Mami dan Papinya bercerai, dan beberapa tahun kemudian Papi meninggal dunia. Tapi, semuanya berubah ketika mereka harus berangkat ke Payakumbuh, Sumatera Barat untuk memenuhi permintaan terakhir Uci (Nenek dari Papi) yang sakit keras.
Perjalanan yang harusnya bisa selesai dalam satu hari, terpaksa molor hampir 3 hari karena sepanjang jalan mereka selalu berdebat. Ada saja insiden-insiden yang harus mereka hadapi bersama. Dalam perjalanan, mereka juga bertemu dengan backpacker misterius bernama Rio. Berbagai petualangan ‘seru’ dan ‘menyenangkan’, mau tak mau membuat mereka saling mengetahui isi hati masing-masing. Mereka akhirnya mengetahui bahwa Mother + Daughter = Unbreakable Bond.