*NB : Jadwal bisa berubah
- The Rescuers Down Under (1990) Dubbing [On Process]
- Don't Look Up (2021) Dubbing [On Process]
- Rescued by Ruby (2022) Dubbing [On Process]
- [On Process]
- [On Process]
- [On Process]
- [On Process]
TV Series yang sudah lengkap dan siap di Upload
- Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous Season 1
- Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous Season 2
- My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 2
- My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 3
- My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 4
- My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 5
- Equestria Girls: Tales of Canterlot High
- Alexa & Katie
- The Heirs
- Uncontrollably Fond
- Move to Heaven
- Wizards: Tales of Arcadia
- Sofia the First Season 2
- Ben 10 Season 4
- Team Kaylie Season 1
- Team Kaylie Season 2
- Team Kaylie Season 3
- Prince of Peoria S1
- Riverdale S2
- Maya and the Three
- A Tale Dark and Grimm
- The Mysterious Benedict Society
- Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts S1
- Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts S2
- Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts S3
- Shinbi's House (S1) The Haunted House: Secret of the Ghost Ball
- Shinbi's House (S2) The Haunted House: Birth of the Ghosts Ball X
- Paw Patrol S1
- He-Man and the Masters of the Universe
Anime Series yang sudah lengkap dan siap di Upload
- Tomica Hyper Rescue Drive Head: Kidou Kyuukyuu Keisatsu Movie
- Kyouryuu Shoujo Gauko (S1 & S2)
1 pisahkan movie sama series kasih genre biar lebih rapi dan enak nyari video nya
tadi sempat upload tapi karna jaringan terputus jadi gak bisa pulish dan tertulis "undefinited"..
setelah iru say refresh dan coba upload lagi dan hilang tombol uploadnya..
Tombol Upload dan Import sengaja dimatikan untuk sementara, Tombol Upload dan Import akan dikembalikan segera. jadi tunggu beberapa jam lagi
@admin: ok min
@admin: tombol uploadnya hilang sih
aku mau upload film The Conmen In Vegas di dubbindo dong
masa pelit gak boleh hilangin upload nya
@admin: tolong please kembalikan tombol upload di dubbindo lagi
@admin: tolong please tombol upload nya di kembalikan dong di dubbindo nya
@admin: iya harus balikin tombol upload di dubbindo ini
@admin: biar tombol upload dubbindo seperti semula supaya bisa upload lagi
@admin: Tombol upload hilang melulu nih dubbindo
@admin: hilang melulu nih tombol uploadnya hilang lagi di dubbindo
@admin: tolong kembalikan tombol upload di dubbindo sekarang juga
@admin: tolong please jangan hilang melulu tombol upload di dubbindo.site lagi
@admin: tombol uploadnya masih hilang terus deh di dubbindo.site
@admin: Tolong please jangan di hapus film video dubbindo.site dong
@admin: tolong please jangan dihapus video film dubbindo.site dong
@admin: gak boleh hilang tombol upload di dubbindo.site ya
@admin: sebel kalau tombol upload hilang kayak begini di dubbindo.site nih
@admin: tolong please balikin tombol upload di dubbindo.site lagi dong
kemarin update tombol upload di dubbindo.site hilang lagi
tombol upload hilang lagi
@admin: tolong please balikin tombol upload di dubbindo.site sekarang
tolong please balikin tombol upload di dubbindo.site lagi jangan sampai kejadian tombol upload hilang lagi ya
Jika belum ada yang mengupload video tersebut silakan saja di upload
Ada Bahasa Indonesia nya tuh di disney hotstar
Lah baru tau, ada series nya